Have you heard the term “dark post”?
Although it may sound shady and imply Blackhat tactic, there’s really nothing evil about dark posts. In fact, Facebook officially referred them as “unpublished posts”.
While a published post (both organic and boosted) appears on your Facebook page timeline and the feeds of your followers, an unpublished post is not. They are simply sponsored ads that appear only to targeted users.
Dark posts play an interesting role in Facebook marketing strategy, and in social media advertising as a whole.
Why do you want to hide your posts from your page’s timeline anyway?
The truth is that many times you just don’t want to show whatever you publish to your fans! Especially when these posts are 99% similar to each other, only slightly different by details like headlines, texts, visuals, links, cta, etc. If you post multiple posts with the same contents, you are a spammer and run the risk of driving your fans away.
Thanks to dark posts, you as an advertiser can experiment an endless number of new techniques and figure out what works best without cluttering your page’s contents and exhausting your interested audience.
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