The event was organized by XES (Helsinki Entrepreneurship Society) and students from Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences.
Where I’m happy to share my story and experience with so many young entrepreneurial-minded people.
The event was indeed packed with great information and insights into the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Finland.
I was pleased to see all the meaningful talk and active participation from everybody throughout the event.
I believe this was a wonderful opportunity for students to network with each other and discuss with fellow entrepreneurs.
If we want to encourage more talented youngsters in Finland to take entrepreneurship as a career path, more events like this are much needed.
Also. I’m going to have a workshop about “How to use LinkedIn effectively to achieve your goals.” next week, Friday, May 24, 10am-12pm at The Shortcut Lab (Lapinlahdenkatu 16, 00180 Helsinki).
If you are interested in networking and want to know how to make the most out of LinkedIn, you’re so welcome to join.
#finland #helsinki #entrepreneurship #xes #event #speakers #haagahelia #linkedin #network #agrowthhacker