But in a particular situation, what makes them pass by without consideration?
It may be that the customer’s expectations are not reached.
The human’s expectation has the majority impact on their decisions on something. On a cozy night full of breeze, you go to a restaurant, for example, reading the menu with a description of food and drink. Ordinarily, we tend to choose the option that attracts us by using some adjectives to render us to imagine the taste and smell.
The reason for that choice is we unwittingly expect that dish is tasty, flavorful, and hence, it’s worthy to try. When we believe and know something beforehand, we tend to evaluate it generally through our expectations.
That’s one of the aspects of Marketing – providing information to intensify someone’s anticipated and real enjoyment.
A taste, a flavor is not only for cooking, but it’s also for business, especially for Marketing. Instead of presenting some faded and bland pictures about your company or products, let’s gather the bright color for them to attract and build up customer’s expectations.
#customer expectation #expectation #marketing #customer #choice