Only one word to describe the Asean+ Day last week that we at Vietnamese Entrepreneurship Society in Finland (VietES) co-organized: wonderful!

We co-organized with the Nordic-Asean Business Forum Ry (NABF).

The activities were wonderful, the performances were wonderful, the people were absolutely wonderful and even the weather could not be better. As a foodie guy, one of the most enjoyable things I found at the festival was food. There was such a great variety of food from Asian countries, from main dishes, side dishes to desserts.

Thank you all the enthusiastic volunteers, dedicated food vendors, passionate performers, professional associations and all lovely participants. Without you, 2019 Asean+ Day and 2019 Asian Food Festival would not be that successful!

As a member of the organizing team, I would like to send my sincere thanks to my team at VietES, especially our Project Lead Sollie Serina and Project Coordinator Hà Thanh for all of the time and effort you put into this project. I’m proud of your productivity, responsibility, and professionalism. VietES is fortunate to have such amazing members like you two ladies.

Lastly, my special thanks to my good friend Vanitsri Tirkkonen for making all of this happen. You gave us such a great opportunity to collaborate and conduct meaningful works for our Asian community in Finland.

#aseanday #festival #culture #food #asianinfinland #asianpower #kamppi #helsinki #music #performance #finland

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