“Content is King”, everyone says.
I agree. (Partly)
According to Curata’s Content Marketing Pyramid™, content can be categorized into 5 levels:
⚡ 1. Primary/ Secondary Research & Thought Leadership: Books, eBooks & White Papers
⚡ 2. Long-form Blog Posts & Presentation
⚡ 3. Infographics & SlideShares
⚡ 4. Short-form Blog Posts & Contributed Content
⚡ 5. Social Media Posts & Curated Content
The pyramid nicely illustrates all the facets of content marketing. As you ascend the pyramid, the amount of Effort and the Frequency for content creation increases.
? At the top of the pyramid are your high budget, high-value original content assets that require the biggest investment.
? At the middle of the pyramid are your mid-budget content assets that you can produce more often with less effort.
? At the bottom of the pyramid are your low-budget, low-hanging fruit that can be produced at high volume, high frequency with minimal effort.
Do you have a Content Strategy? If yes how do you implement the Content Marketing Pyramid within your organization? What kinds of content do you create and how often? Share with me.
#contentmarketing #contentstrategy #contentmarketingpyramid #digitalmarketing #growthhacking #agrowthhacker
source: www.curata.com